Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fast Horses and Accidental Photography

I am what you call agility challenged. I have fallen up, down, around and because of various things, including my own two feet. I have been sliced, bruised and blown up. All of my doing.

Imagine if you will a horseback/camping trip deep in the country.   We took a ride that ended with me hanging off the side of  a galloping horse, this close to the ground. One foot was hooked on the horn and other was stuck in the stirrups. Imagine horseback acrobatics.

I came off the horse the last day.

This is accidental photograph taken while falling off a horse, LOL

Ummm, forgot to post that this is for the GBE Follow this link to find more GBE'rs


  1. I thought so when I developed it.

  2. Great post. I'm known to trip over air from time to time. ;)

    --Diana Jillian

  3. I'm a total clutz! I've never fallen off of a horse...but then again, I don't really have a history with horses :)

  4. ummm, yeah. Got a couple of bruises. Thankfully, I injured my pride more than anything else.

  5. @Stephtee anything I have been exposed to has an accident story :\

  6. thank GOD you survived unscathed AND have a picture to boot!!!!!! LOVED this memory! and the pic is PHENOMENAL!! LOVED THIS

  7. That's an awesome picture! I've never fallen off a horse before, but I've always been scared when riding. Maybe someday I'll give it another chance!

  8. Turns out that saddle was missing a strap, so the faster we went the higher the saddle bounced. I will check over my saddle more carefully, next time. Do give it another chance. There is nothing quite like riding, experience wise.

  9. I hope you are safe and great picture!

  10. Amazing photograph-- here you are falling off a horse and you manage to take a visually interesting picture!! I can be on my own two feet and manage not to do that!! Great post--Jenn

  11. That pic makes me dizzy. I bet that's how you felt!

  12. LOL! The picture was accidental. It was a disposable camera that I had in my pocket. Once I came off, apparently the button was pushed by the pocket? My boob? The horse? I really don't have a clue. I just know it was there when I developed the film.

    And, yes...dizzy, that is a great description of how I felt. Along with shaken up and quietly happy that my hubby was there in a flash to make sure the horse didn't step on me.

  13. I have the same problem. I can't walk up stairs without tripping up them.

  14. This is perfect, I've had similar experiences with horses. Never again. lol

  15. Don't blame the horse, it's the saddle! Glad u r ok.

  16. Oh, I don't blame the horse...two things worked against me. 1. I am not a proficient rider and 2. the saddle was damaged.

  17. What a cool's a shame it was gotten in such a difficult and painful way!

  18. Brilliant picture. And wow, I thought I was agility challenged, but you take the award this week :))

  19. I find that accidental photography create the best shots, at least for me.

    I have a friend that is always asking what I have done to myself lately...

  20. Leenough thank you! What a great image and post. It reminds me of my own horse-challenges, which did not end as well as yours! OM,


  21. I only rode a horde once. They gave me the biggest tallest one, and I am scared of heights too. Damn thing had a mind of it's own and I was petrified. Never again...

  22. Hmmm... I even rode a HORSE once too :)

  23. It seems horses aren't the easiest to ride. Your comments make me feel better about my experience.

  24. Wonderful picture! To bad you had to practically die to get it. Great post! I loved it!!


  25. Thanks, Kathy! I don't know about the almost dying part...I thought your life flashed before your eyes. Time did slow down though. It seemed like forever that I was flying though the air. Always wanted to fly, not necessarily off a horse, though.

  26. Hey, it's not that easy riding a horse! This was a whirlwind of a story! THanks!

  27. What a story! I was going to take one of those horseback mountain trips when I was in Mexico, but chickened out. lol

  28. If the chance comes again, I'll take it. I'll just go over the tack better this time.
